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St Andrew's C of E Primary School

Otter Class News (Reception and Year 1)

04/02/25- We went on a trip to Sudbury Library today! We had an exciting tour of the library and then we worked together to created a display all about creatures in the Ocean!

29/01/25- We have loved celebrating Chinese New Year this week in Otter Class! We have made a big class dragon, performed parades, tried fortune cookies and even had a special Chinese lunch from Mrs Park!

23/01/25- We have been thinking about resilience in our assemblies. We challenged ourselves to see if we could make a free standing structure using just spaghetti and marshmallows. Some of our structures broke but we didn’t give up! We encouraged each other, worked together and learnt from our mistakes.

16/01/25- In DT, we worked with the Robin class to make portable snacks! We have been making wraps and investigating different ways of making food.

13/01/25- Exploring the BeeBots in computing today! We really enjoyed giving them directions and some of us challenged ourselves to give our Beebot a pathway to follow!

08/01/25- Using the frosty weather to investigate different states of water!

06/01/25- Starting the new term with some KS2 buddy reading!

19/12/24- Our favourite way to end the term, Mrs Park’s Christmas dinner!

17/12/24- Wreath making!

16/12/24- Otters have been spreading Christmas joy by making Christmas cards for our neighbours. We even went on a walk to post them!

16/12/24- Little Otters love practicing our sounds!

11/12/24- Today we found out that mud can also be glue, what fun!

10/12/24- Using our cutting skills on Santa’s beard!

06/12/24- Our day at the panto! What a brilliant day we had watching Aladdin. All of the children did amazingly and had an amazing time- we can’t wait for next year.

05/12/24- Our official dress rehearsal to the rest of the school before the real thing! Well done Otters and Robins for all of your hard work, you are going to be amazing!

05/12/24- We had a lovely morning with Rev. Claire in the woods for wild worship today. We had to make the Nativity scene whilst retelling the story of the birth of Jesus. We are very impressed with our scene!

04/12/24- More fun at the forest!

03/12/24- Nativity dress rehearsals in full swing!

27/11/24- We hope everyone enjoyed our Santa’s Grotto after school tonight, put on by our PTA! We hope you were all on the nice list!

22/11/24- We loved seeing Miss Morton today on her visit from Maternity Leave and getting to meet her baby! We sang him some nursery rhymes and showed him our counting. We hope he enjoyed his first day at school!

21/11/24- Using our phonics to help us read words!

20/11/24- More fun in the Forest! This week has been full of hot dogs, sledging, balancing and building!

19/11/24- Our little Otters have been working super hard on their phonics and have been practicing their writing. Not only have we been practicing names, but independently writing words too! Good job little Otters!

15/11/24- Pudsey Day! We have had such a fun, creative today whilst thinking about Children in Need. We have been doing lots of art and decorating our own gingerbread men!

13/11/24- Otters are loving Forest school with Holly, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Beney!

11/11/24- We all walked down to the Church memorial for Remembrance Day and the Otters did a brilliant job of walking sensibly with their Year 6 buddies.

08/11/24- Thank you so much to the parent that made us Poppy biscuits! We enjoyed them for our snack today and were very impressed.

07/11/24- Not only did we get our first Forest School session this week, we also went and had ‘Wild worship’ in the woods with Rev. Claire. We thought about what we are thankful for in nature and learnt the story of Moses becoming a leader- we even played follow the leader!

05/11/24- To celebrate Bonfire night, we watched a firework display and made s’mores to eat! We had so much fun, thinking about the meaning of bonfire night and why we have fireworks!

04/11/24- Coming back after half term, we have been getting ready for Remembrance Day at the end of this week. We have made poppies in lots of different ways, but our favourite is our printing paintings!

23/10/24- After reading our book, Pumpkin Soup, we have been thinking about instructions. Today we followed instructions to make our own pumpkin Soup! We all had a go at cutting the pumpkin and all of the other ingredients. We worked together as a team and listened well. Then, Miss Elvin cooked the soup at lunchtime and almost everyone wanted to try some! Most of us really liked it and some of us even went back for seconds!

16/10/24- Otters have some new friends! We are loving our new Giant African Land Snails, Edward and Christina! We have been learning about looking after them, what they eat, how to be gentle with them and making sure we remember that all animals are special! We make sure to give them some snack every day, before we have our own.

10/10/24- Following on from our learning about The Great Fire of London, we all worked together to put some fires out in our tuff tray! We loved this so much and really enjoyed working as a team.

08/10/24- Little Otters have been working so hard on their learning for their first full month at school! We have learnt so many new sounds and numbers and are trying so hard- well done Reception!

08/10/24- Year 1 joined Year 2 on a trip to Colchester Zoo today and we had SO much fun! We saw so many animals, showed good listening in our safari talk and even came face to face with a crocodile!

07/10/24- Big Otters have been getting ready for our trip to the zoo by writing a shopping list of all of the animals we would like to see- just like in our class book, Supermarket Zoo!

04/10/24- The little Otters posed for a photo, ready to submit to the local newspaper for their new Reception intake article! We will send out the link to parents once it has been published- how exciting!

27/09/24- We have had lots of fun practicing our number bonds!

19/09/24- Exploring our outside area, learning how to play together!

19/09/24- All about me! We used mirrors to try and draw what we look like. We had to make sure we got all of our features, even our silly faces! Some of us used paint to recreate some of colour monster’s feelings too. We love Art!

12/09/24- Playing outside with some of Owl Class. We love building and exploring at break time and lunch time.

06/09/24- We have been learning today about table manners. It is so important when we have snack time that we sit nicely at the table and show respect to everyone as we finish eating.

05/09/24- Year 1s practicing their number formation, and doing amazingly!

04/09/24- We have loved coming back to school, seeing old friends and meeting new ones! We thought today about what we might like to be when we grow up and what our favourite things are. We are looking forward to seeing how these change as we grow up!

Welcome to the new 2024/2025 Otter Class! - Miss Elvin

Earth Day 2024

March 2024 We had a weaving workshop from Braintree silk museum, dressed up for World Book Day and planted some seeds for the garden.

February 2024 We have been busy learning the story of 'Where the wild things are', celebrating Chinese New Year and making shadows in science.

January 2024 The big RSPB Bird watch and Celebrating Burns night

In our first couple of weeks back in Otter Class, we have been getting to know each other and beginning some of our new topics!


We read the story Something Else which helped us to think about how we should celebrate our differences and include each other! Each Otter made their own 'Something Else' and we described them and talked about what they were like.


The children have been learning about different types of birds and making fat balls to help them in this cold weather! They have been excited to see birds visiting the trees in our outdoor area.


We have talked about new beginnings and the things we would like to try really hard with this year, reaching for the stars!

Here is a snapshot of the great thing we have been doing...

Otter Class 2022-23

We started our year by welcoming our new Little Otters to their first year of school. Our Big Otters were brilliant at helping them settle in and get to know their new classroom and outside area. 

A sad start to the year as we say goodbye to our wonderful Queen. Otters gave messages of love and made beautiful flowers to say goodbye to Queen Elizabeth II. 

Welcome to McOtter's Drive Through!


We offer healthy lunches and dinners, made to order by our hard working chefs! Can I take your order please? 

Our Adventure to Colchester Zoo

The Colour Monster

Addition Fact Families and Shapes in the Environment

Forest School Fun and Fireworks

Outdoor Learning

Remembrance Day

Computing all around us

Greedy Crocodiles and Hot and Cold Climates

The Great Fire of London

Baa Baa Bethlehem

Forest School Learning

Welcome to Spring Term!

Warm and Cold Oceans

The Story of Grace Darling

Fun with Phonics!

Gunta Stoltz Weaving and our School Values

The History of Farming and Jethro Tull

'Teens' Numbers for Little Otters

Understanding Forgiveness

Computing and Maths

Number Bonds to 10 and Numbers to 50

The Three Little Pigs

Daws Hall Nature Reserve

Measuring and Junk Modelling

Welcome to Summer Term!

Making Doubles and Litter Picking

The Coronation of King Charles III (and Otter Class!)

Quarters and Equal Groups

Queen Elizabeth II


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