Welcome to the new 2024/2025 Fox Class! - Mrs Carvey & Mrs Godsmark
23/07/24- Our final day of the school year! A big thank you to our PTA for organising and paying for an ice cream van for everyone in the school. Happy summer everyone!
22/07/24- One of our choices for our final week was baking! We got to bake and decorate solar system cupcakes and had lots of fun working in a team. We spoke about hygiene in the kitchen and how we need to ensure everything is clean the whole time we are cooking. We also all helped to tidy away, as that is a big part of cooking and baking too!
19/07/24- We had lots of fun creating clay sculptures in Art today! We learnt different techniques to create some very interesting objects!
11/07/24- Having another go at our DT projects. We learnt from our mistakes and were much more successful!
09/07/24- We were very lucky that one of our families let us borrow some real life war artefacts. We got to analyse them and try to guess what they meant or were used for.
08/08/24- Team building games!
05/07/24- In DT, we have been thinking about structures and today we worked in groups to try and create a bridge. We learnt lots from our mistakes that we can try next time
05/07/24- Making nets
28/06/24- Thinking about position and direction by being guides for our blindfolded friends!
18/06/24- We had a lovely day at West Stow Country Park with our friends from St Giles and Wethersfield as part of our History curriculum.
17/06/24- Learning all about tables and statistics in Maths!
14/06/24- Using newspapers to create imaginative images!
07/06/24- Taking our Maths learning outside to learn the time!
06/06/24- All ready for Mrs Park’s special D Day lunch!
06/06/24- Learning how to tell the time!
05/06/24- Sports Day! What a brilliant day with everyone trying their best and taking part.
24/05/24- Fox Class were very lucky today to be visited by a real life Vet, to help us with our topic of ‘Animals’ in Science. Gina the Vet talked to us about being a responsible pet owner, showed us some X-Rays to help us learn about skeleton structures and she brought some stethoscopes for us to try with each other! Gina even brought in a real life Guinea pig, to help us practice how to be responsible pet owners.
17/05/24- We have loved starting our topic of ‘money’ this week in Maths. We have been recognising coins, making amounts using different coins and finding change!
13/05/24- After reflecting on our Earth day assembly, we conducted some research on the parts of nature we noticed outside and found out why it is so important to protect! We made information leaflets aimed at KS1 and even got to go and present them to the classes. We used our presenting voices and made sure we were clear and informative. We hope our leaflets inspired KS1!
09/05/24- Loving our lunchtime activities in the sunshine!
07/05/24- We have been thinking about Earth day in assembly this week. When reflecting on assembly, we decided to take our learning outside and try to appreciate parts of nature that we might not have noticed before.
26/04/24- In our History, we have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons! Today we had a go at drawing some.
15/04/24- Foxes have absolutely loved working on their teamwork skills in PE.
28/03/24- Fox Class were very lucky to have an Easter visitor today! We all got to have a cuddle and learn how to look after the lamb!
21/03/24- After designing our own dips in DT, we made some of our own! We made Greek tzatziki with Robin class and all had a go at preparing the different ingredients. We worked well as a group at discussing the different methods and how we should season the dip. We all got to try some and most of us liked it and took some home!
15/03/24- To celebrate Red Nose Day, we had a non uniform day and got to decorate red nose themed biscuits at lunch! Look at some of our amazing creations!
12/03/24- We loved welcoming Squirrels from St Giles and Swifts from Wethersfield today to join us at a Science workshop. We learnt how to make land yachts and even got to race them!
11/03/24- For our DT topic of ‘Dips’, we thought it was essential that we tried a range of dips before we looked into their ingredients and how to make our own. We all got to try ones we hadn’t tried before and some of us found a new favourite!
07/03/24- World Book Day fun!
27/02/24- As we have started our fractions topic in Maths, we have been finding amounts in a group.
13/02/24- Valentines Disco! We had so much fun!
12/02/24- As it is Shrove Tuesday this week, we have been thinking about temptation and what it means, as Jesus had to resist temptation in the desert! Miss Elvin tempted us with some sweets and we had to resist the urge to eat them during the lesson. Some of us managed it, but others found it tricky to resist temptation!
08/02/24- We wanted to find out how far 1000m was, so we decided to get some meter rulers and go on an adventure! We found out that from our classroom to the hall, and around the hall in a square 4 times is 94m. This means 1000m is really far!
01/02/24- We have started our topic of measuring in Maths and are having lots of fun getting to find measurements of some classroom items!
24/01/24- Based on our class text, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, we have been looking at newspaper articles and getting ready to write our own. Looking at examples is a great way to find features and get ideas!
19/01/24- We have all been working so hard this week on dividing 2 digit and 3 digit numbers by a 1 digit number. We love using our Maths equipment to help us and we have been doing great at working together to find the answer when things get tricky.
15/01/24- In Music this week, Foxes were thinking about musical families and created a beautiful piece of music, conducted amazingly too.
08/01/24- We began our first day of Spring term by thinking about our aims and goals for 2024. We all agreed to ‘reach for the stars’ and aim high! It will be brilliant to look back on these at the end of the year and see what we achieved.
20/12/23- Part of our Christingle service. All of the children were very sensible and the hall looked beautiful with all of the Christingles lighting the room.
20/12/23- Finishing our Autumn term with a beautiful Christingle service, led by Rev. Claire.
19/12/23- One of the best parts of the countdown to Christmas... Mrs Park’s famous Christmas dinner! Everybody enjoyed it, even the teachers!
15/12/23- We had SO much fun on our annual trip to the pantomime (oh no we didn’t... oh yes we did!) Everybody was beautifully behaved and enjoyed the show thoroughly.
12/12/23- I am super proud of everyone after our KS2 Christmas concert this week. You all did amazingly and it sounded beautiful. Well done Foxes and Owls! :)
04/12/23- Some of used the snow in our tuff tray to create a volcano- a great way of reminding ourselves of last half term’s Geography topic and remembering the structure of a volcano!
30/11/23- Carrying on with our DT topic of pneumatics, we made planes that were powered by actual air! We worked together as a team and found that the bigger we blew up the balloon, the faster and the further the plane would travel.
30/11/23- Marking St Andrew’s day with a service in Church. We wrote some lovely prayers and poems that we read out to everyone.
28/11/23- We have loved using practical equipment in our Maths. We are working hard on using Mathematical language when comparing different statements.
16/11/23- In DT, we made some pneumatic straw rockets! We loved testing them out and experimenting with how we could get them to go further. Mable found that if she made the tip of her rocket really pointy and tight, it went much further.
13/11/23- Taking part in a very special BBC live lesson in aid of ‘Anti-Bullying Week 2023’. We learnt lots and even got to send messages to other schools!
10/11/23- Some lovely pieces of artwork done by members of Fox Class to take to Church tomorrow for our Remembrance service.